About Corbin Whitton

DevOps Engineer | Full-Stack Software Engineer | Computer Scientist | IT Professional
I design, implement, and support solutions designed with non-profits in mind. I utilize technology to its fullest capabilities, developing solutions that are highly available, cost effective, and easy to understand.

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I am
Always Learning Always Growing
Learning from failed experiments and experiences is a huge part of being an engineer. It is through failure that our theories are tested and knowledge is obtained. Obtaining knowledge is only half the battle; if we don't change our methods and processes based on what we've learned, we won't go anywhere.

To create solutions that last, one must ask the tough questions, challenge all assumptions, and listen to every voice in the room. Once the problem is understood, a solution can be proposed, and through the fires of failure and growth, a proposal can become a great solution.

Never be afraid of failure, be afraid of not changing.
Westech Equipment - Lead DevOps & Automation Engineer

◆ Created numerous scripts to automate retrieval of product information from manufacturers, saving hundreds of hours of labor.
◆ Created CI/CD pipelines (CircleCI), allowing for more streamlined and safe deploys
◆ Implemented features on website to allow for higher volume of orders, as well as higher SEO rankings.

Whistic - Full-Stack Software Engineer

◆ Helping my team (and subsequently other teams) to better understand how to better utilize our log aggregation tools to quickly find issues, build better, more insightful metrics dashboards, and quickly find customers being affected by bugs and reach out to them
◆ Planned and orchestrated a complete documentation overhaul that would allow customer service reps to find valuable information quicker, and software engineers to more effectively knowledge-share critical infrastructure.

Director of IT

◆ Worked with Digital Reality to create a 3 stage disaster recovery plan across 3 continents to ensure all critical infrastructure has minimal downtime
◆ Worked closely with developers to create and implement a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline allowing for much faster cycle times
◆ Migrated all services from utilizing VM technology to containerization in Docker while still maintaining 99.999% uptime
◆ Optimized poorly performant code which saved the company just over $10,000/yr in hosting costs

Northwest Nazarene University - Teaching Assistant

◆ Using my experience in DevOps, I created numerous CI/CD pipelines that would build and run automated tests against my student's code
◆ Performed much needed course overhauls, rewriting every assignment to have clearer requirements, and defined inputs and outputs, as well as concept understanding requirements
◆ Using automated tests, I increased department efficiency by 75%, cutting down grading time from 20 hrs/wk to just 5 hrs/wk
◆ Taught numerous workshops on how to be a good software engineer, teaching valuable skills that were not part of the core curriculum, such as how to perform code reviews, writing meaningful code, CI/CD pipelines, test-driven development, using Git, containerization, optimization

Cache Valley Electric - Full-Stack Software Engineer

◆ Created applications allowing employees to better track orders, tasks, and time spent on projects. Allowing for greater efficiency and transparency, saving the company thousands.
◆ Worked 1:1 with clients to understand their workflow, and how software can integrate with their current processes, participating in the planning, prototyping, and presenting on demos and deliverables.
◆ Pioneered new coding practices and technology, such as the UI/UX framework that became standard for our team
◆ Prototyped new technologies to our platform such as deep-linking and session variables

My Projects
Check out my work

Web Image Optimization Utility
I built this tool out of a need to optimize thousands of images for a website. Optimizing one or two images is a simple task that many online services provide, however, mass converting images can cost a bit of money. Why pay lots of money when you're a software engineer and can quickly code up something. In an afternoon, an idea went from writing the first line to successfully converting thousands of images.
WIO, a web image optimizer
Westech Equipment Website
Used my experience in DevOps to create coding pipelines to automate deploys and testing. I also created numerous scripts and routines that would allow employees to fetch latest product information from manufacturers, allowing for greater productivity.
Westech Equipment eCommerce Website
Whistic Integrations
Worked alongside the Whistic integrations team to break out code from our monolithic architecture to a microservice architecture, allowing for more rapid development and deployments. Integrated the Whistic platform with Salesforce, Slack, Webhooks, the Whistic Public API, and RFPIO. Wrote automated tests to increase code coverage and adequately test edge cases. Used Angular to create user-interfaces that were functional and easily understood. From my experience in IT and DevOps, I created numerous dashboards and log queries to quickly find problems, increasing team accountability, and productivity.
Whistic Inc. Main Website
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